In Less Than Five Minutes, Get To Know – Julie Fuchs
By Alan Neilson(Photo: Roxanne Matiz)
What was the first opera you ever attended?
It was an operetta, “No, no Nanette” by Youmans.
What was the first opera you performed in?
Offenbach’s “Orphée en Enfers.” I played Euridice.
In what opera are you currently performing?
“Le Comte Ory.”
What is the next opera you are scheduled to perform?
“I Capuletti e I Montecchi” in Paris.
What is your favorite opera?
“La Bohème.”
Which character have you played most often?
Which character that you have played is most like you?
Which character would you love to play, but is unlikely to happen?
Too difficult, I am happy to try anything.
Which character would you like to meet in person?
Don Giovanni. I would like to see who would win in that confrontation.
Which character is the most dislikable you have met on stage?
Count Almaviva.
If you could exchange places with any character, who would it be?
Smaller roles always seem happier so I would choose one of them.
What is your favorite piece of non-operatic music?
I love tango.
Who is your favorite singer (past or present)?
Ileana Cotrubas.
If you weren’t a singer, what job would you have liked to do?
It must be something creative. Maybe something to do with jewelry, flowers or dancing.
Do you prefer comedy or straight opera?
I prefer to play comedy, but to sing serious roles.
If you could have any composer write an opera with you in the starring role, who would it be?
Although Mozart writes a lot for ensembles rather than character, I would still have to choose him..
What do you like most about your voice?
It guides me in life, and helps me to be a better person.
Do you prefer French food or Italian food?
I like Italian products a lot! But French cooking, come on…and definitely French cheese!