In Just Five Minutes, Get To Know – Raffaele Pe
By Alan Neilson(Photo: Noah Shaye)
OperaWire: What was the first opera you saw?
Raffaele Pe: Rossini’s “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” in Parma, when I was 11.
OW: What was the last opera you appeared in?
RP: Vivaldi’s “Giustino” in Drottningholm, Stockholm.
OW: What role are you currently performing?
RP: Apollo in Mozart’s “Apollo et Hyacinthus” in Venice
OW: In which opera are you next scheduled to appear?
RP: Handel’s “Ottone” in Karlsruhe.
OW: What role have you played most often?
RP: Giulio Cesare.
OW: What is your favorite role?
RP: Nerone from Monteverdi’s “L’incoronazione di Poppea.”
OW: Which character that you have played on stage is most like you?
RP: Nerone
OW: Which character that you have met on stage have you most disliked?
RP: Amanzio from Vivaldi’s “Giustino”
OW: If you could invite three guests to dinner, at least one of which must be an opera character, who would they be?
RP: Norma, one of the nuns from Poulenc’s “Dialogues des Carmélites,” and the real Julius Cesar
OW: Which character would you most like to sing?
RP: Rossini’s Tancredi
OW: Who is your favorite opera composer?
RP: Verdi
OW: Name the person, from any walk of life, who has most influenced your career?
RP: John Eliot Gardiner
OW: What book are you reading at the moment?
RP: “Lessons by Stravinsky” which is a transcription of his lectures taken from when he was in the USA.
OW: Who is your favorite painter?
RP: Raffael, of course
OW: What is your favorite piece of non-opera music?
RP: John Adams’ soundtrack for the movie “I Am Love”
OW: In which theatre would you like to sing, but have not yet done so?
RP: The New York Met.
OW: If you hadn’t been an opera singer, what job would you have done?
RP: Something to do with drawing, maybe a designer
OW: What do you like most about your voice?
RP: Its presence
OW: If you could have a composer, alive or dead, write an opera for you, who would it be?
RP: Händel
OW: What do you dislike most about being an opera singer?
RP: Waiting. You are always waiting for something: the next rehearsal, the premiere, your entrance onto the stage. I am very impatient.
OW: What do you like most about your native country, Italy?
RP: Its style.