Heartbeat Opera to Present Outdoor Screening of ‘Breathing Free’
By David SalazarHeartbeat Opera has announced a free outdoor screening of “Breathing Free” on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021.
The showcase, which will take place at the Hudson River Park’s Pier 63 in New York City starting at 7 p.m., will feature live performances by soprano Kelly Griffin, dancer Tamrin Goldberg, and spoken word artist Katherine George.
The film was directed by Ethan Heard alongside Anaiis Cisco and stars such artists as Derrell Acon, Curtis Bannister, Kelly Griffin, and dancers Randy Castillo, Tamrin Goldberg, and Brian HallowDreamz Henry; audiences will also see and hear the voices of 100 incarcerated singers and 70 volunteers from several prison choirs.
“This project has affected me more and more as time has passed. From the process of learning the music week to week and growing in confidence, misplaced or not, to recording the song live in our chapel, gradually the gravity of what I was doing settled in. Having been in prison for over 20 years, I have not had a place in the free world, and this has been an opportunity for me to share something truly positive with my friends and family. Thank you for allowing them to see me in another light … I almost feel free,” said an incarcerated singer from the East Hill Singers at Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas in a letter to Heartbeat Opera.
Check out the trailer below: