Finalists for 2019 Lotte Lenya Competition Revealed
By David SalazarThe Kurt Weill Foundation for Music has announced the finalists of its 2019 Lotte Lenya Competition.
The 13 performers chosen to compete on April 13, 2019, include Carolyn Bacon, Danielle Beckvermit, Daniel Berryman, Timothy Bruno, Jonathan Heller, Jonah Hoskins, Trevor Martin, Florian Peters, Katherine Riddle, Nyla Watson, Amy Weintraub, Jeremy Weiss, and Andrea Wozniak.
Of the finalists, Peters, who hails from Rheinbreitbach, Germany, is the only one that is not from the U.S. Peters is also one of three performers over the age of 30, the remaining are all under 30 with Hoskins as the youngest at 22.
The 13 performers will get a chance to compete for top prizes of $20,000, $15,000, and $10,000. They will perform four selections, one from opera/operetta, one from Golden Age musical theater, one from contemporary musical theater, and the stages works of Kurt Weill. Performers will appear at 11 a.m. and then at 8 p.m. where they will sing one or two selections as requested by the judges. This will be followed by an awards ceremony.
The judges include Ute Gferer, Adam Benzwi, and Mark Lamos.