Cantata Singers Announces Boston Choral Festival
By Afton MarkayIn celebration of Cantata Singers’ 60th anniversary the ensemble will perform at the inaugural Boston Choral Festival.
This collaborative performance will bring together choral ensembles from Nipmuc, Arlington, and Westborough High Schools. Music Director Noah Horn will lead the groups in Monteverdi’s “1610 Vespers.”
Via a press release Horn says, “The Boston Choral Festival is a chance to bring together 170 musicians, most of whom have never met each other, for one festive day performing the beautiful Monteverdi Vespers. The piece is from 1610 – over 400 years ago – and it is just awesome. There’s something in it for everybody; there are loud trumpets and cornetti, and there are intimate moments that require incredible virtuosity from the singers and instrumentalists.”
The event will take place in Boston’s Cyclorama, on Oct. 25. The distinctive acoustics will enhance the work’s antiphonal effects, allowing listeners to be fully immersed in Monteverdi’s masterpiece. This performance will be recorded and available for purchase on Access Cantata Singers.