Brooklyn Art Song Society to Present 4 World Premieres in ‘New Voices Festival: Past/Present/Future’
By Logan MartellOn May 15, 2021, Brooklyn Art Song Society will present the second installment of their “New Voices Festival: Past/Present/ Future.”
Each work in the program will adapt a text from the past for a more recent perspective, featuring works by Anna Akhmatova, Charles Baudelaire, Aleksander Blok, Osip Mandelstam George Eliot, Christina Rosetti, and Walt Whitman.
The program will include recent works as well as four World Premieres. Recent works include “Rapture” by Tom Cipullo, “Lilacs” by Jennifer Higdon, and “2 Whitman Love Song” by James Primosch. World Premieres include Daron Hagen’s “To a Street Person,” James Kallembach’s “Autumn Violets,” Libby Larsen’s “The Other Side of Silence,” and Scott Wheeler’s “3 Russian Nocturnes.”
The soloists are sopranos Mary Bonhag and Elisabeth Marshall; tenor Andrew Fuchs; baritone Gregory Feldman; and pianists Michael Brofman and Danny Zelibor.
The concert is available for those with a season subscription to BASS’s Digital Concert Hall, with individual tickets available for purchase on the date of the concert.