Boston Lyric Opera Launches Digital Platform, Readies Broadcast of ‘Norma’ Recording

By Logan Martell

Boston Lyric Opera has announced the launch of a new digital platform, called “[insert:opera],” which will launch with two programs.

The first, named “AT ITS (s)CORE” is a bi-weekly series where artists discuss their experiences in opera through conversations centered on a single piece of music. The series is produced by and conceived by stage director Melanie Bacaling. The first episode will feature music director David Angus and violinist Annie Rabbat as they discuss music from Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly.”

Premiere date: May 28, 2020.

The second program, called “Bedtime Lullabies Online,” will feature opera singers performing lullabies for children. This series is managed by BLO production operations manager Ashley Shea.

Premiere Date: May 26, 2020.

BLO will also be presenting “Norma Directors’ Cut,” a three-part behind-the-scenes video of the company’s production, which was closed before opening night due to the coronavirus. The video will feature Angus, along with stage director Stephanie Havey and director Shura Baryshnikov.

Premiere Date: June 1, 2020.

A recording of the company’s final dress rehearsal of “Norma” will also be broadcasted on 99.5 WCRB Classical Radio Boston’s “In Concert” series. This recording was done by Grammy Award-winning sound engineer Antonio Oliart Ros, under the direction of WCRB manager Anthony Rudel.

Broadcast Date: June 28, 2020.

