BBC Symphony Orchestra Announces ‘Total Immersion: Music for the End of Time’

By Afton Markay

The BBC Symphony Orchestra is set to present its program “Total Immersion: Music for the End of Time” on Jan. 23, 2022 in Barbican Hall.

Events for Total Immersion Day will begin that morning at 10:30 a.m. with the showing of the film “The Music of Terezín.” The first concert starts at 1:30 p.m. featuring “The Theresienstadt Orchestra,” followed by a choral presentation by the BBC Singers at 3:30, a pre-show talk by Simon Broughton on “Der Kaiser von Atlantis” at 6:30 p.m., and “Der Kaiser von Atlantis” and “Quartet for the End of Time” at 7:45 p.m.

Performers in Viktor Ullmann’s “Der Kaiser von Atlantis” include Thomas Johannes Mayer, Derrick Ballard, Oliver Johnston, Benjamin Hulett, Soraya Mafi, Henry Waddington, and Hannah Hipp. Josep Pons conducts the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Kenneth Richardson directs.

Guildhall School musicians will perform Oliver Messiaen’s “Quartet for the End of Time,” also under the baton of Pons.

The unique concert experience is in part with the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance on Jan. 27. All of the music that will be presented was written inside prisons, ghettos, or concentration camps.

