Bayerische Staatsoper Shuts Down Until March 2021
By Dejan Vukosavljevic(Credit: Bayerische Staatsoper official website)
The Bayerische Staatsoper has announced that it will close until at least Feb. 28, 2021.
Per the statement on the company’s website, Bernd Sibler, Minister for Arts of the State of Bavaria, and the directors of all Bavarian state theaters agreed to discontinue theater operations in February.
“With the extended suspension of events, we are taking into account both the pandemic and the state theaters’ interest in longer-term planning security,” added the statement. However, it was revealed that rehearsals will still take place as planned.
The online premiere of the new production of Weber’s opera “Der Freischütz” is scheduled for February 13, 2021. The performance will be broadcast live and free of charge on STAATSOPER.TV in cooperation with BR-KLASSIK.