Teatro Nuovo Announces 2022 Season
By Francisco SalazarTeatro Nuovo has announced its 2022 season featuring two operas.
The company will also resume its renowned training program, giving an immersive course in Bel Canto style and technique to 22 elite young singers who will serve as the understudies and chorus of the two operas.
The season will open with Rossini’s “Maometto Secondo” with bass Hans Tashjian in the title role, mezzo Hannah Ludwig as Calbo, and tenor Nicholas Simpson as Paolo Erisso. They are joined by the brilliant Canadian mezzo Simone McIntosh in her Teatro Nuovo debut as Anna Erisso.
Performance Dates: July 9 & 13 at Montclair State University & Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater
The second opera will be “La Sonnambula” with soprano Teresa Castillo as the titular sleepwalker, tenor Enrique Guzmán in his New York debut, Dorian McCall, Meagan Sill, and Allison Gish.
Performance Dates: July 10 & 14 at Montclair State University & Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater