Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá 2017 Review: Beethoven’s 9th the Perfect Piece to Celebrate Orchestra’s 50th Anniversary

The Beatles’ “All You Need is Love.” Gabriel García Marquez’s “Cien Años de Soledad.” The Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá. What do they have in common? They came into existence exactly 50 years ago. The latter of these experienced a major celebration on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017, at the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo in a program that featured the {…}

Metropolitan Opera Review 2016-17 – Fidelio: Beethoven’s Ode to Women Celebrated With Stunning Cast & Production

I preface this by stating that this review is for the performance on March 24, 2017. I would also like to recognize that this is just one, performance of a seven-performance run. In an ideal situation, I would attend every performance and write a detailed review of the overall work. As it stands, I can only go on my perspective of one performance. 2017 has been the year of {…}