Silvia Colasanti to be First Woman to Premiere Opera at La Scala

By Chris Ruel
Photo: Max Pucciariello

The Italian composer Silvia Colasanti will be the first woman to premiere an opera at La Scala in Milan.

With a libretto by writer and expert on Russian literature, Paolo Nori, the opera, “Anna A.” (working title) is based on the life of the Russian poet, Anna Akhmatova.

The opera will be staged in February 2025.

In an interview with, when asked about the core of the work, Colasanti said, “A particular moment in Akhmatova’s life: the imprisonment of her son, who had been unjustly condemned only for the surname he bore (his father had been killed by the regime, ed). Anna goes to the Leningrad prison for 17 months and meets other mothers of prisoners, of whom she will become her voice, also due to the explicit request of the other women to transform this dramatic experience into poetry.”


