Opéra de Paris Announces Another Cast Change for ‘La Vestale’

By Francisco Salazar

The Opéra de Paris has announced a cast change for its June 23 performance of Spontini’s “La Vestale.”

The company said, “Jean Teitgen, unwell, will not be able to perform vocally on Sunday, June 23, 2024. The role of the Souverain Pontife will be played on stage by Jean Teitgen and sung upstage by Nicolas Courjal.”

Courjal has performed with the Opéra Comique in Paris, Wiesbaden, and the Wexford Festival as well as at the Berlioz Festival, the Colmar Festival, and the Royal Opera House in London. He made his Paris Opera debut in 2018 in “Gianni Schicchi” and “L’Heure espagnole.”

“La Vestale” is set to star Michael Spyres, Elza van den Heever, Eve-Maud Hubeaux, Julien Behr, and Florent Mbia. Bertrand de Billy conducts the new production by Lydia Steier.


