Obituary: Scottish Baritone Alan Watts Passes Away

By Francisco Salazar

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has announced the death of vocal tutor Alan Watt.

The conservatory realized a statement stating, “Alan joined the music teaching staff in 1995 and continued his teaching until his retirement in September 2019. He came to what was then the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama with a background of considerable experience in the music profession, having sung numerous baritone roles both internationally and with all the major opera companies in Britain.”

The conservatory added, “Alan studied at the RSAMD and he was delighted to have been given the opportunity to give back to a new generation of students the kind of solid training and basis for a successful career that he had himself been fortunate to receive as a student. Alan taught on the BMus and the MMus courses and was also involved in teaching Performance classes and early Italian song. In the years before his retirement, he also taught students at the Junior Conservatoire. Alan was a champion of his students and was always delighted by the successes and attainments they enjoyed in their lives and musical careers. Alan will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his wife, Gill, his family and friends and by his former colleagues and students.”

Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, the singer trained in Glasgow at the RSAMD and went on to perform in  Scottish Opera and other major British companies. He also went on to perform abroad in Venice, Vienna, Venice, Brussels, Seville, Berlin, and Tel Aviv.

Among his repertoire included choral works by Bach as well as Rachmaninov, Massenet, Puccini, Mozart, Puccini, Flowtow, Vaughan Williams, and Elgar.


