Mirror Visions Ensemble Presents ‘Silver Songs’ in NYC

By Afton Markay

Mirror Visions Ensemble gives the world premiere of Griffin Candey’s “Silver Songs,” in its upcoming concert in New York City.

The ensemble’s latest commission “Silver Songs,” includes poetry by Rae Armantrout, Richie Hofmann, Rebecca Hoogs, Jeanne Murray Walker, Kate Northrop, and Frank O’Hara. Candey describes “‘Silver Songs’ as exploring our fascination with and relationship to movies, how we see ourselves in them, how we use them as symbols, how we use them as a social space and currency.”

Soloists on this concert are mezzo soprano Abi Levis, tenor Daniel McGrew, and baritone Mischa Bouvier. They are accompanied by Grant Wenaus at the piano.

Mirror Visions Ensemble’s mission is based on the exploration of the relationship between music and text. For over 32 seasons the organization has fostered the work of new composers by commissioning of over 105 works from nearly 40 composers.

The concert takes place on Sept. 30 at Kaufman Music Center’s Merkin Hall.


