Michael Fabiano, Patricia Racette, Ellie Dehn Headline San Francisco’s Streaming Program Through July 4

By David Salazar
(Credit: Cory Weaver / Terrence McCarthy / San Francisco Opera)

The San Francisco Opera has announced its upcoming slate of operas on its “Opera is ON” streaming service.

First up, the company will present “Salome” in a production starring Nadja Michael, Greer Grimsley, Kim Begley, Irina Mishura, and Garrett Sorenson. Nicola Luisotti conducts the Strauss opera.

Streaming Date: June 20, 2020

Next up will be Massenet’s “Manon” in a production starring Ellie Dehn in the title role and Michael Fabiano as Des Grieux. Other cast members include Robert Brubaker, James Creswell, David Pershall, and Timothy Mix. Patrick Fournillier conducts.

Streaming Date: June 27, 2020 

Kicking off the month of July will be a performance of Michael Cavanaugh’s production of “Susannah” starring Patricia Racette in the title role alongside Brandon Jovanovich as Sam Polk. Other cast members include Raymond Aceto, James Kryshak, and Catherine Cook. Karen Kamensek conducts.

Streaming Date: July 4, 2020



