Editor’s Notes: On OperaWire’s New Design & Supporting Our Patreon Campaign

By David Salazar

Dear Readers,

As you may have noticed over the last few days, OperaWire has a completely new look. This is a development that we have been working on for the last few months and we are happy to finally present it to you. We took this step in the hopes of making the new site easier to navigate and the top stories more accessible. You will find that the top of our page now features more stories at the ready for your exploration as well as an easier manner of accessing different sections.

During the coming days, there will invariably be some tweaks to further improve the interface, including new sections filled with new content, and new subsections to better curate older content. We hope that these changes will give you a better experience when navigating this website, which is also yours.

We welcome any feedback on this new design as we continue to grow OperaWire in coming weeks, months, and years.

We would also like to invite you to support OperaWire’s Patreon campaign, which has already acquired strong support from numerous donors. As you might imagine, continued growth cannot occur without financial resources. With the campaign, we are seeking out support so that we can bring on new staff members, including editors, full-time writers, a social media team, a video production team with exciting projects we hope to share with you soon. We are also hoping to create a new mobile app that will provide a new OperaWire experience for our current and future users.

We average tens of thousands of returning visitors per month and if each of those dedicated readers supported us with just $1 per month ($12 per year), we would be able to transform OperaWire not only with new and exciting content but also with unique media partnerships and developments. At the end of the day, we want OperaWire to be even better than it currently is, providing you and all the opera fans around the world with the go-to place for opera news, entertainment, and experiences. This goes a long way toward making that happen.

To support the campaign, click here.

We thank you so much for your continued support and readership,

The OperaWire Team

