Alte Oper in Frankfurt Announces Reopening

By Francisco Salazar

The Alte Oper in Frankfurt is set to open in September with a reduced audience of 600.

In an interview with Markus Fein, the new General Director said the Alte Oper will resume concerts in September after a six-month hiatus due to the COVID-19. Fein noted that the audience will be limited and will follow all of the health ministry’s safety regulations.

The new season is set to open on Sept. 3 and will include concerts featuring Valery Gergiev, Benjamin Appl, Andrés Orozco-Estrada, and Christian Thielemann.

The Alte Oper is the latest German house to announce reopening. This month the Deustche Oper, Bayerische Oper, and Oper Frankfurt, among others are set to open after months of closing due to the COVID-19.

Germany currently has 236,117 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 9,336 deaths.

