Pergolesi Spontini Festival to Present ‘Rethinking Fernand Cortez’

By Francisco Salazar

The Pergolesi Spontini Festival is set to open its event on July 21 with a production of the concerto “Rethinking Fernand Cortez.”

The work features music by G. Spontini and a reworking of his works by Michael Fioretti, Davide Moretti, Elia Palazzi e Emanuele Vitale.

The performance will feature soprano Khatia Jikidze as Amazily, tenor Wooseok Choi as Telasco, and tenor Alessandro Fiocchetti as Fernando Cortez. Andrea Mariani and Carlo Morganti will perform on the piano and accompany the singers.

The production will be presented in collaboration with the Accademia d’Arte Lirica di Osimo.





