Fort Worth Opera & Teen Opera Club of Texas to Present ‘Storytelling, Stage Presence, and Standing Ovations’ Workshop
By Logan MartellOn January 21, 2021, Fort Worth Opera will host the Teen Opera Club of Texas’ event, “Storytelling, Stage Presence, and Standing Ovations.”
This educational initiative comes as part of the recently launched Texas Opera Alliance, comprised of Austin Opera, The Dallas Opera, Houston Grand Opera, OPERA San Antonio, and Fort Worth Opera.
Students in Texas aged 13-19 will be able to receive insight into the world of opera from artists and administrators of member companies. This workshop will feature Sheran Goodspeed Keyton, Manager of Education and Community Engagement, as well as video presentations from stage directors Octavio Cardenas, David Gately, and Steven D. Morris.
“For many people, singing comes naturally,” Keyton stated in an official press statement. “They open their mouth, and innately there is an outpouring of amazingness! Audiences worldwide love hearing the sound of the naturally talented, as well as the professionally trained. But what resonates with an audience even more, is the ability to tell a story. I’m excited to share my 30+ years as a professional storyteller with the young students who will participate in this session!”