Sofia Opera & Ballet Announces Wagner Strauss Festival

By David Salazar

The Sofia Opera and Ballet in Bulgaria has announced the eighth Sofia Wagner Strauss Festival, which will kick off this November.

The festival will begin with a performance of Wagner’s “Parsifal.” The opera stars Kostadin Andreev, Atanas Mladenov, Biser Georgiev, and Radostina Nikolaeva, among others. Plamen Kartaloff directs the production with Constantin Trinks conducting.

Performance Date: Nov. 8, 2020

Next up will be a couple of performances of Strauss’ “Elektra.”  The opera Gergana Rusekova, Mariana Zvetkova, Tsvetana Bandalovska and Daniel Ostretsov, among others.

Performance Dates: Nov. 26 and 29, 2020

There will be a Wagner-Strauss Concert at Chamber Hall. Biser Georgiev, Gergana Rusekova, Kostadin Andreev, Mariana Zvetkova, Martin Iliev, Radostina Nikolaeva, Silvana Pravcheva, and Tsvetana Bandalovska will perform.

Performance Dates: Nov. 14 and 21, 2020

Families will be able to enjoy two performances of “Das Rheingold” for Children, also at Chamber Hall.

Performance Dates: Nov. 15 and 22, 2020

The festival will also feature the premiere of Plamen Kartaloff’s book “My Wagner with the Sofia Opera,” presented by Zahariy Stoyanov Publishing at the Great Hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Performance Date: Nov. 16, 2020

