Metropolitan Opera Planning to Brave Snowstorm With ‘Traviata’ Performance

By David Salazar

The show will go on at the Metropolitan Opera despite the threat of one of the biggest snowstorms in history.

New York, among a number of other states, is slated to be hit by a blizzard that has already shut down schools around the entire area and is set to cause massive traffic problems. Twelve to 18 inches of snow is what many outlets are reporting and some are going as far as to say that the impact of the storm could shut down schools and major cities for multiple days this week.

And yet the Metropolitan Opera announced on Monday, via Twitter, that their scheduled performance of “La Traviata” is still scheduled to take place on Tuesday night.

“WEATHER UPDATE: Tomorrow’s Traviata perf is scheduled to go ahead as planned. Please check  for updates,” the company’s official Twitter account states before adding a wrinkle. “The Front of House will NOT be open to the public tomorrow from 10am-2pm.”

It is still possible that the Met cancels its performance if the weather conditions prove hostile enough. The company rarely ever cancels a performance, though it has been known to accommodate ticket buyers by switching their tickets for later performances.

The company did have to cancel one performance of “L’Italiana in Algeri” this past fall after someone dumped ashes into the orchestra pit.


